The all-good God is our real source, and all that we possess is derived directly from Him.

How do we overcome the belief that our lives are governed by our human ancestry?  This writer was experiencing severe abdominal pain, similar to that of a family member.  Read how …as he recognised that God is our true parent and we can only express His qualities, the pain disappeared, and he was free.

"Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God;”
I Corinthians 15 : 50
"The transmission of disease or of certain idiosyncrasies of mortal mind would be impossible if this great fact of being were learned, - namely, that nothing inharmonious an enter being, for Life is God.”
— Mary Baker Eddy
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 228

— Image by Yan Krukau at Pexels.

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